La Espiral de Bhital – Our philosophy

Bhital’s spiral integrates two aspects to have a healthy birthday without limitations:

the internal part corresponds to your body and the external part to the spaces where you live.



Physical, mental and emotional

In the inner part of the Bhital spiral we focus on your body.

Factors to take into account

Living a healthy life and ageing healthily and without limitations depends on a number of factors. These factors include an adequate diet, regular physical activity, restful sleep, a good genetic predisposition. In addition to proper oral health, whether or not you take medication, the correct functioning of the different systems (detoxification, immune, endocrine, neurological…). As well as an optimal mitochondrial function or a balanced microbiota.

In addition, health is influenced by other types of situations or circumstances: emotional, family, socio-economic and labor stability.

Bhital’s integrative-biological medicine takes a holistic approach to health, combining the advances of precision medicine with the wisdom of ancient medicines.

Bhital · Salud Ambiental & Medicina Biológica


A holistic view of health

Bhital - Environmental Health & Biological Medicine

The medicine of the 21st century must contemplate the famous 4 “Pes¨, that is, be Predictive, Preventive, Personalized and Participative. This paradigm shift makes the patient responsible for his or her own health.

Integrative-Biological Medicine places the patient at the center and considers a wide range of physical, genetic, emotional, mental, social and environmental factors that affect health and aging.

This global vision implies a humanization of medicine, by focusing on the person and not only on the disease, in order to be able to propose a personalized treatment. It analyzes the organism as a whole, taking into account all the data provided by the more advanced techniques of conventional medicine: testgenetic testing, genetic analysis intestinal dysbiosis with PCR, study of biological age… It recognizes the self-healing capacity of our body for the prevention and treatment of diseases, thanks to the modification of lifestyle habits, such as diet, physical exercise, stress management and sleep.

To allopathic or traditional medicine we add the wisdom of millenary oriental medicines. And we also attach great importance to the limiting beliefs of our subconscious, which can sabotage the success of our intended goals.

The integrative-biological approach helps you to to live healthier years, i.e., to avoid pathological aging, to which the waste generated by a poor food, the lack of exercise or inadequate exercise, the stress to which we are subjected, the abuse of medication – which generates serious side effects – and the toxic metabolites generated by both metabolic and pathological processes.


Bedrooms, living room, office

The outer part of the Bhital spiral symbolises the spaces you inhabit.

More and more studies are linking multiple health problems to environmental pollution. Hence, the growing interest in creating healthy indoor spaces, not only in your home, but also where you work .

Environmental toxics

Therefore, it is very important to take into account the external part of the Bhital spiral, to reduce the environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, in the places where we spend the most time. Its accumulation accelerates ageing, as it saturates the body’s detoxification mechanisms. Of particular importance are chemical toxics and artificial non-ionising electromagnetic radiation from the electricity grid, mobile telephony, etc., as well as air quality.

Bhital’s environmental health helps you reduce the invisible and silent toxics you are exposed to on a daily basis, using professional devices that allow you to know the real levels.

Bhital · Salud Ambiental & Medicina Biológica


The importance of healthy indoor spaces

Bhital - Environmental Health & Biological Medicine

We cannot conceive of full health without taking into account the pollutants that surround us. Some are unavoidable, because they are part of the public and common environment. But we do have responsibility for the interior spaces that depend on ourselves. The concept of Biohabitability refers to all those parameters that are necessary for a house or a company to be healthy, both for those who live or work in it and for its environment.

Many of the diseases we suffer from today are directly and/or indirectly related to what we breathe, what we ingest, what we put on our skin or the biological impact of radiation.

Numerous scientists and international forums are increasingly aware of the serious consequences of the growing exposure of the general population to these toxins. This is especially true for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women, children, adolescents and the chronically ill.

For this reason, it is increasingly necessary to reduce the environmental toxins to which we are exposed on a daily basis in the places where we spend most of our time, such as our homes and workplaces. Bedrooms, in particular, should be considered “healthy sanctuaries” because of the number of hours we spend in them every day.

It is also worth noting the harmful effect on health of artificial non-ionising electromagnetic radiation from the electricity grid, mobile telephony, etc. Among its potential effects are the generation of high oxidative stress (ageing), DNA damage, endocrine disruption and insomnia.