Air quality, toxic chemicals and non-ionising electromagnetic fields

Every day, we take more than 20,000 breaths and it is therefore undeniable that air pollution has a significant impact on your health. Some irrefutable facts from the World Health Organisation (WHO): more than 92% of the world’s population breathes polluted air, 235 million people live with asthma. Globally, poor air quality could cause around 6.5 million deaths per year and a quarter of adult deaths from heart disease are related to pollution.

Poor indoor air quality increases the risk of many diseases. Allergies, nausea, headaches, fatigue, asthma, dizziness, lack of concentration, vomiting, sore throat, difficulty breathing, skin and eye irritations are some symptoms that can be caused by toxins in your home environment. Analysing the indoor air quality in your home will help you to take appropriate measures.

There is a wide variety of toxic chemicals in our homes, from paints, solvents, insecticides, to cleaning and personal hygiene products and cosmetics. Another fact: a house can contain between 500 and 1000 toxic chemicals. Again, knowing the toxic chemicals you are exposed to allows you to reduce them.

Electromagnetic fields (EMF) and wireless radiation – radio frequency or RF – have become one of the largest, fastest growing and potentially harmful sources of environmental pollution. It is impossible to avoid them completely, but we can find the sources and reduce the exposure we are exposed to at home or at work. At Bhital we measure and identify 4 types of EMF: electric fields (electrical appliances and devices, electrical wiring in the home and, of particular relevance, the bedside – as it can induce voltage in the body and affect the production of melatonin, which prevents restful sleep and DNA regeneration at night), magnetic fields (from the flow of electric current, from wiring faults, medium and high voltage pipes and lines, electrical transformers or the metal in bed frames), dirty electricity (electronic devices plugged into the mains that generate harmonics or dirty current, especially smart meters. Power supplies that convert alternating current (AC) electricity into direct current (DC) create dirty electricity, which also depresses the immune system) and radio frequency (equipment and devices that send and receive information wirelessly, such as wireless mobile and landline phones, Wi-Fi, bluetooth, smart meters, radars…).

Today, more than ever, achieving indoor environments with minimal electromagnetic pollution also helps to prevent health problems and improve our immune response. Common sources of radiation are high voltage power and transmission lines, household appliances and building wiring, solar panel inverters, mobile phone towers, wireless technology, smart meters, baby monitors, bluetooth devices, Wi-Fi routers, electric cars…

Bhital · Salud Ambiental & Medicina Biológica

More data. EMFs were classified as possible Group 2B carcinogens by the WHO. Symptoms and severity levels can vary from person to person, depending on the strengths and frequencies of the electromagnetic field. In addition, overexposure or sensitivity to EMF can be expressed in numerous symptoms and illnesses: learning and memory deficits, insomnia, concentration difficulties, neurological disorders, headaches, chronic fatigue, irritability, cell damage, anxiety, depression, nausea, electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), impairment of the immune and reproductive systems, low sperm count, multiple chemical sensitivity, increased risk of cancer, tachycardia… Children are most at risk. Multiple studies have shown that they absorb more than twice as much radiation as adults. Case in point: the BioInitiative Report provides a deep dive into the health effects of EMFs.  After examining research from more than 3,800 studies on EMR (electromagnetic radiation) and reviewing current exposure standards, it concludes that these are far from adequate to protect public health.

Research studies continue to be published showing the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields. And not only on humans, but also on animals, insects and plants.

dra carmen romeroDra. Carmen Romero
Founder of Bhital.