More willpower, more longevity.

More willpower, more longevity.

The neuroscience of self-control

More willpower, more longevity. Longevity and long-term health depend on several factors, including self-control and resilience. Recent studies in neuroscience have identified the Anterior Cingulate Medial Area (ACAm) as a key region in the regulation of willpower. This area has significant implications for longevity and healthy living.

ACAm and willpower

The ACAm is essential for self-control, decision making and internal conflict resolution. Its activity is related to the ability to resist temptations and persevere in difficult tasks. This area is developed and strengthened through exposure to challenges and overcoming unpleasant activities, such as following a strict diet or intense exercise.. (Frontiers) (Neuroscience for Coaches).

Photo: Bhital by IA

Relationship between ACAm and longevity

Resilience and challenges: resilience, or the ability to cope with and overcome adversity, is closely related to long-term health. A well-developed ACAm enables one to manage stress more effectively, contributing to a longer and healthier life (Oxford Academic) (SpringerLink). Espesor del ACAm en “super agers”: a study by the Mesulam Center for Cognitive Neurology and Alzheimer’s Disease found that in “super agers” (people over 80 years old with cognitive ability similar to people decades younger), the mCTA is significantly thicker compared to their peers of the same age. This suggests that a more developed ACAm may be a marker of longevity and cognitive resilience (National Institute on Aging). Less brain atrophy: super agers also show less brain atrophy compared to cognitively normal adults. This indicates that maintaining the size of the ACAm may protect against age-related cognitive decline (National Institute on Aging).

Strategies to stimulate ACAm

Deliberate exposure to discomfort: facing uncomfortable situations, such as intense exercise or exposure to cold temperatures, can strengthen the ACAm. Challenging tasks: establishing and maintaining routines that include tasks that require mental and physical exertion.

Mindfulness and meditatión: these practices improve concentration and reduce emotional reactivity, facilitating impulse control and healthy decision making (Neuroscience for Coaches). Foto: Bhital by IA

Examples of challenging tasks to stimulate medial anterior cingulate area

1. Intense physical exercise
  • Running or jogging: participating in long-distance races, such as marathons, or simply jogging regularly can be a significant physical and mental challenge.
  • Resistance training: weight lifting, circuit training or any activity involving sustained and increasing physical exertion.
2. Activities of high mental effort
  • Solving puzzles and strategy games: games such as chess, Sudoku, or complex puzzles that require concentration and strategic planning.
  • Learning new skills: learning a new language, a musical instrument, or any skill that requires constant practice and dedication.
3. Exposure to uncomfortable situations
  • Cold exposure therapy: include cold showers in the daily routine or practice swimming in cold water.
  • Mindfulness practices in challenging environments: meditating or practicing yoga in less comfortable or usual conditions, such as outdoors in cold weather or in noisy environments.

Photo: Bhital by IA

4. Self-control and discipline tasks
  • Intermittent fasting or diet control: implementing and maintaining an intermittent fasting regimen or a specific diet that requires avoidance of certain foods.
  • Challenges of abandoning negative habits: stop smoking, reduce alcohol consumption or any habit you wish to eliminate.
5. Long-term projects and goals
  • Completing an extensive project
    undertake projects that require planning and continuous work over time, such as writing a book or completing an extensive training course.
  • Set personal and professional goals: define and work towards goals that involve personal or professional growth, such as obtaining a new certification or improving in a specific skill.
6. Participation in challenging social activities
  • Public speaking: practice and improve public speaking skills by participating in events where public speaking is required.
  • Volunteering in challenging situations: volunteering in environments that require significant emotional or physical exertion, such as hospitals, homeless shelters, or areas affected by natural disasters.

Photo: Bhital by IA

Implementing these challenging tasks into the daily routine can help strengthen the Anterior Medial Cingulate Area, thereby improving willpower, resilience, and ultimately longevity.


Stimulating the ACAm is crucial to improve willpower, resilience and self-control. These factors contribute to a healthier and longer life. Implementing strategies that challenge this area of the brain can improve mental and physical health, increasing longevity.

Dr Carmen Romero