The 4 fields of geo-environmental health analysis
1. Artificial non-ionising (low and high frequency) electromagnetic fields (EMF)
- Low-frequency electromagnetic fields:
From: mains electricity, transformers, artificial lighting, electrical wiring, lift, electrical appliances…
- High-frequency electromagnetic fields:
From: wifi, cordless landline phones, mobile phones, outdoor telephone antennas, …
- In addition, the earth connection is measured.
2. Natural electromagnetic radiation (geopathies)
Natural radiation (geopathogenic zones, Curry, Hartmann nets…).
3. Study of exposure to mycotoxins that can cause serious health problems.
The air quality of dwellings already built or to be refurbished.
In order to know the levels of air toxics in indoor air, such as formaldehído, los compuestos volátiles (VOCs), the particulate matter, the CO2… that come from furniture, carpets, blinds, wall paint, non-natural flooring, decorative objects, sofa fabrics, utensils, personal hygiene and cleaning products…
Report and proposal for an improvement plan
As a result of the measurements, a geo-environmental health report is produced.
This technical report also includes a proposal for space optimization and recommendations to reduce the levels of toxins detected, as well as recommendations for electromagnetic hygiene and environmental toxins.
Who is it aimed at?
- Those who want to buy a house or a plot of land to build on later and who want healthy housing. With the study carried out, it will be possible to avoid, among other aspects, that geopathogenic areas are dedicated to spaces where a lot of time is spent (bedrooms, office, living room, etc…) and are relegated to corridors, bathrooms, gardens or swimming pool.
- Those who want to know whether the levels of non-ionising electromagnetic pollution and air quality in their bedrooms are adequate for a good night’s sleep.
- Electrohypersensitive patients (EHS) and/or Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCH), who want to know if the levels of non-ionising electromagnetic pollution and air quality in their bedrooms are adequate.
In short, thinking about and developing a geo-environmental health analysis for an architectural project has become a differentiating factor with great added value.
Today, more than ever, achieving healthy indoor environments makes a difference in helping to prevent health problems.
This is our service Bhital Geoenvironmental Health
- Geo-environmental analyses can be of:
- Natural non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation (geopathies)
- Man-made non-ionising electromagnetic radiation (high and low frequency)
- Exposure to mycotoxins
- Air quality.
- Analysis of the results.
- Technical report of the recorded values.
- Proposed solutions to achieve healthy housing.